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Ahi Prudential Development Limited (APDL)

Ahi Prudential Development Limited (APDL) is created as a TRUSTEE Company to hold shares

in Ahi Investment Limited (AIL) on behalf of its beneficiaries.  The beneficiaries of APDL are the registered traditional customary landowners of the 6 Ahi villages.  APDL as a trustee will exist to firstly support AIL

to grow and increase shareholder wealth and secondly it will serve as a conduit through which

wealth created from its investment will be distributed to its beneficiaries. APDL is also responsible

to seek and manage donor funding which are earmarked for specific projects identified to benefit

anyof the 6 Ahi villages.

Through APDL, communal benefit sharing will be channeled down to the people of Ahi via ACT.

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